

Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, 100% 有機認證原蜜8.0 盎司(226 克)

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  • USDA Organic
  • Since 1195
  • Special Premium Choice
  • US Grade A
  • Pioneer in Organic Bee Farming
  • 維霖診所曹院長
  • Wholesome Benefits As a Functional Food
  • Unpasteurized
  • Fresh Raw State
  • Unfiltered
  • Certified Organic by O.C.I.A International
  • The Last Frontier Wilderness Fresh Clean Friendly, Alive Bio Eco System
Pure, natural, healthy, safe, harvested with extreme care.

As the world pioneer in certified organic bee farming, we have the true knowledge of quality difference of floral sources and regions. We have searched the world and traveled thousands of miles to find the perfectly isolated, untouched areas where natural is abundant with wildflowers that flourish in the undistributed frontier wilderness. Our organic honey is harvested with extreme care, 100% pure natural, unpasteurized and unfiltered, fresh from healthy beehives. The re床的世界sults produce a superior, energy packed honey with the highest possible levels of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, full beneficial factors as a functional whole food. Our organic commitment with lifetime dedication brings your nature's very best a highly selective ultimate choice quality organic honey. Enjoy nature's gift full of delicate flavors and rich, delightful tastes.

Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, 100% 有機認證原蜜8.0 盎司(226 克)


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